Full Moon Blessings and Rituals

Each month, Full Moon blesses us with her Majesty.


This is the perfect opportunity to hand her over anything you desire to let go of and release anything that is standing in the way, holding you back from, distracting you from living your purpose in the most bountiful and joyful way, surrounded by love and magic.


If you are looking for the right words to throw out into the world on the next Full Moon –  here’s something you can use:



+ I am ready to release past wounds, limiting beliefs, anger, resentment, fears, that are not serving me.

+ I am ready to shed my old skin, metaphorically.

+ I am ready to release the money blocks standing between me and the abundance that is mine.

+ I am ready to let go of the barriers I have built around my heart.

+ I am ready to release the belief that things have to be hard, the fear that I might never get to live my purpose.

+ I am ready to release and let go of any cords, any ties, energetic or emotional, that are preventing me from stepping into my highest Self.

+ I am ready to release any karma, and any trauma from this life and past ones.

+ I am ready to release anything that is not for my highest good IN THE MOST GENTLE WAY POSSIBLE.

+ I ask Mother Earth and Sister Moon to take care of transforming and recycling everything that has to go in a soft and easy way.


So be it.


Whew. Say it with me now… 😉

Are you READY to write a book?

If you’re thinking, YES. I am ready to set the intention and write my own story…

It’s kind of (exactly) like birthing a baby. Sometimes you need guidance from an experienced soul who can take you from conception all the way to birth.

Just call me your BOOK DOULA.

Want more details? Book a free info session! (or just a virtual tea and chat, if you prefer…)