Publish Your Audiobook

Expand Your Experience with Audio

Hi, I’m Sarah, and I’m an audio storyteller. I firmly believe that every single one of us has a story to share and that we should get our stories to as many people as possible, because you never know who’s walking around with a hole in their hearts in the shape of your words. With this in mind, I’ve made it my mission to help others bring stories to life through audio and reach an even wider audience. That’s why I couldn’t be more excited to partner with Annick.


Why audiobooks?

Writing a book is no easy feat. I know you’ve spent countless hours pouring your soul into the pages, and I want to help you maximize your efforts. 

Audiobooks offer convenience and access to a wider audience. More and more content is being consumed on the go these days, whether it’s while we’re on our morning run, during our commute, while travelling, while brushing our teeth, or while tackling monotonous work tasks. Many of us having reading lists a mile long (I know I do!) but finding the time to sit down and open the cover isn’t always realistic for some of us. 

You have something special to share with the world, and the easier you can make it for your book to be consumed, the more people you can reach with your message, your story, your knowledge, your inner (or outer) awesomeness and isn’t that the point?


Did you know…?

Audiobooks sales have surpassed e-book sales since 2019, and the gap is ever-growing. 

Did you also know that audiobooks have their very own New York Times Bestseller list, and that this list can be more attainable than the bestseller list for print? 

More and more people are choosing audiobooks every day and our brains don’t actually know the difference between having read a book with our eyes or listening with our ears. Studies have shown that the same basic brain process takes place regardless of how we consume our favorite book. 


How can we help?

  • Getting you ready to record
  • Editing your audio
  • Narrating your audiobook for you
  • Ensuring that all files meet Audible’s strict quality guidelines
  • Uploading your audio files to Audible*


What’s it like to work with us?

Our goal is to get your audiobook out in the world the way you envision it, and in the best quality possible. With this goal in mind, we will be with you every step of the way. 




• We’ll help you select the right equipment

• We’ll give you tips on getting the best recording possible from positioning to room conditioning

• We’ll work with you to create several test audios so we can understand what works best with your voice, equipment, and environment

• We’ll edit all files for content and quality to ensure that your audio meets Audible’s strict quality guidelines

• We’ll organize all files and provide you with the final copies

• If you’d like, we’ll even upload to Audible for you –please note this will require access to your account

• We’ll create a sample audio for your approval before recording the entire book

• We’ll edit all files for content and quality to ensure that your audio meets Audible’s strict quality guidelines

• We’ll organize all files and provide you with the final copies

• If you’d like, we’ll even upload to Audible for you –please note this will require access to your account


Special pricing for clients of Annick Ina!

Click the button below to get your quote based on a special discount we provide only to clients of Annick Ina.

Want to learn more about turning your work into an audiobook?

Book a call with Sarah!