Hey there!
My name is Annick and I’m here to help you write a book that will change lives, starting with yours.
For real. That’s what I do.
As a child and teenager, every single school term, my teachers would always comment in my report book that I was “lively, but too talkative”. Pfff. They just didn’t get it, did they?
I’m a Gemini! Sign of creativity, self-expression and communication!
My school curriculum was always heavy on languages, arts and social sciences, and I ended up graduating in Communication.
At first, my undeniable passion for languages (I was trilingual by then) led me to a career as a language trainer for professionals.
But… it didn’t take long before my desire for creativity and adventure took over! Bien sûr!
Since then, I’ve…
– moved countries eleven times,
– owned and run multiple high-end retail shops started from scratch,
– started my own business as a life and business coach,
And finally decided to unite all my skills, passions and personality under my Book Doula business, supporting authors and aspiring authors through all the different stages of the book process.

I mean, seriously… Why would you want to write a book all by yourself?
Why try to do it all on your own when you can be fully supported?
I’m here to be your guide, your (transformational) writing coach, your business consultant, your project manager, your confidante, your visionary friend and your magic facilitator.
I see you and your potential, and I’m here to bring your vision to life.
I’m here to bring YOU out into the world.
Cos that’s what I’m all about. #beyoudoyou
Do you dream of holding your published book in your hands?
It all starts with a YES.
What if you were ready to do this?
Take the first step NOW.