What are YOU Celebrating Today?

My Dearest, when was the last time you took a break and celebrated yourself?

When was the last time that you acknowledged and celebrated what you’ve accomplished over the past week, month, year?

When was the last time that you celebrated being one step ahead of your last one?

Or even behind.

Cause sometimes we need to take a step back in order to move forward.

Take time and celebrate, dear one.

Celebrate every step. Celebrate YOU.

Let your heart be filled with pride and gratitude for all you’ve done.

For the magic you’ve let into your life.

Dance, sing, breathe, give thanks.

You deserve it.

Steps, milestones, people, feelings.

Celebrate them all.

One at a time, or all at once.

Just celebrate, Love.

Starting NOW.

If writing a book is on your bucket list…it’s kind of (exactly) like birthing a baby. Sometimes you need guidance from an experienced soul who can take you from conception all the way to birth.

And wouldn’t it feel just *SO* DAMN *GOOD* to celebrate writing your own book?

Call me your BOOK DOULA.

Want more details? Book a free info session! (or just a virtual tea and chat, if you prefer…)