I hijacked Noa’s round of applause. Several times.

I hijacked Noa’s round of applause. Several times. And I’m not ashamed.


Three weeks ago, I went to Noa’s concert. It’d been a while since the last concert I’d been to (I’m NOT a fan of crowded places), but as the show started, and applause started to fill the room, I shamelessly hijacked Noa’s round of applause. AND then I did it again. And again. Because boy, did it feel good!


As 2017 is getting to its end, I look back at everything that’s happened over the past twelve months, and I can’t believe all of that happened in just one year. ONE YEAR, when it honestly feels like a lifetime…


Just last year, I had a vision. I saw myself on stage, speaking to thousands of women. And as crazy as it might have seemed at the time, something deep inside of me told me it wasn’t such a crazy idea after all.


Like a distant call echoing in the wilderness, I heard their voices. The voice of my younger Self, who had longed so deeply for hearing my message, the voice of my future Self, asking me to trust and have faith that the path would be shown. And so I did.


Writing my book was the beginning of a new level on my transformational journey. Exploring the stories of my past and writing them down was tremendously healing. And I admit, I did expect some sort of change, but I had no idea it would look the way it did.


It wasn’t anything like an epiphany or a sudden light bulb life-changing revelation, but more like a subtle shift. As if taking the time to shift my focus within and explore my Inner Self, had allowed this strong bond to be born, and a new line of communication to be formed between the scared and wounded vulnerable inner part of me – my Inner Child, and the fearless and unapologetic empowered part of me – my Soul Superstar.


Not many of you know about the challenges and the tribulations that followed, though. Because sometimes transformation hurts like hell, and crying and soothing your Self is all you can do. I’m now ready to share more.


There were times when I sat in front of my screen, ugly-crying my eyes out as a loving friend held space for me, just watching me with eyes full of empathy. The thing with transformation is that sometimes it feels like your soul is being ripped apart. In a way, that’s pretty much what it is: your old Self is being ripped open as your True Self emerges. Kinda like in a sci-fi alien-shedding-its-human-skin scene.


The emotions, feelings and thoughts are so scary that you KNOW you have no other choice than make your way through and keep moving. And this is what keeps you going. You KNOW that at the end of all this lies a new life.


All the way through, I kept remembering that day I said YES to that vision. And having faith that this was all part of it, is what kept me going.


And then came the time my book came out. The long hours of labour suddenly made sense. Just like the pain doesn’t matter anymore to the mother once she gets to hold her baby, just like a mother’s life changes the moment her baby enters her life, everything changed for me. A new Me saw the light of day.


And that’s why, when I heard the round of applause at Noa’s concert, I remembered that day I said YES to my mission. And I remembered everything that’s happened since then, and as I looked at how far I’ve come, I closed my eyes and realised that I’d also gotten closer to that round of applause being for me.


In fact, I closed my eyes, and allowed it to be all mine, as I await for the day I won’t have to close my eyes anymore to see it.


We don’t always have all the steps of the way lined up, and today I feel like telling you that it doesn’t really matter. When you believe with your heart and soul in making your dream come true and keep taking inspired action, ONE step at a time, you WILL get closer to seeing it with your eyes wide open.


What’s YOUR big dream?


Do you have this deep inner knowing that you’ve got a book inside of you? Stories and lessons that you want to share? In my No Excuse Writing Workshop  I give you all the tools you need to find your book idea, draft your outline and start writing. Seriously. Check out the raving reviews!


Or if you do have an idea but aren’t sure it’s viable – like, whether you can turn it into a whole book or not – let’s talk about it! C’mon! Book a call and let’s chat – it’s on the house!