I got too chilled out…

Oh my dear friend,

Just one hour ago, I was in my bath, all relaxed, and mentally typing my draft for this email. Life was so wonderful, I was basking in love vibes and absolutely loving it when suddenly… SH*T! NO!! NOOOO!! NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes… I had forgotten to take my fitbit off my wrist, and had spent the last 20 minutes in my bathtub with water up to my neck! Obviously, it was unconscious and not responding to any kind of CPR… 🙁 It just turned two months a couple of days ago!

I tried to keep calm and put it in a bowl of rice. It’s supposed to stay there for at least 24 hours, so there’s not much I can do for now. I took a deep breath, and got back into my bath. As the Dalai Lama says:

“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.” 

So here I am, writing this email to you! (Obviously I finished my bath first! I wouldn’t risk drowning my computer as well!!!)

The reason why I forgot about my fitbit is that I was dedicating my undivided attention to something else, or should I say, someone else: ME. As a coach, I spend a great part of my week connecting with people, whether it is through social media, blogs, Skype calls or emails. That’s why, on Fridays, I keep my day free from any commitment and allow myself to find my way back to ME.

I wake up in the morning and make it my number one priority to treat myself as my most precious guest, and do whatever I can to make myself happy. Sometimes I go out for lunch, sometimes I just relax and enjoy doing nothing. Today though, I indulged in Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map, audio book version

As I finished it, I wanted to sit in stillness and let the words sink in (LOL), so the best place to do that here is my bathtub… Boo.. Not such a great idea after all!!! I wish I had my own cosy reflection space at home. I’ve been dreaming of it recently, especially after I saw this website. Ariela has blended her skills as an interior designer to her experience as a Spirit Junkie into one role: ZEN DEN DESIGNER.

I absolutely love the idea! Having my special space to go to when I want to reconnect with myself and with Spirit makes me feel good just by thinking about it. (Plus at least I wouldn’t risk drowning my fitbit there!:)) Ariela has opened her schedule for free online consultations next week, so that’s just PERFECT!! You can book yours too by going to her Services page. You can also visit her blog and follow her on instagram and facebook for inspiration!

So, that’s probably what I’m going to do as I wait for my fitbit to regain consciousness! 🙂 I wish you an amazing weekend, please send some healing vibes to my fitbit, and I’ll talk to you soon!

Love and Light!

P.s I know I said I’d send you the Coaching Toolbox video, but I thought today was a day to relax, not to learn about tech tools, so I’ll do that during the week instead, together with my new Teaching Monday video series!