Coming Back To My Self

A little less than six months ago, I read a book that spoke straight to my guts. Glennon Melton Doyle’s Love Warrior was such a revelation to me. As I read about her story, I could relate to my own. A story that a lot would qualify as normal on the outside: a young woman with eating disorders, alcohol, drugs, sex, quite the ‘normal’ woman these days.

But Glennon did something that very few have done before. She told her story. And as she did, I heard mine…

Yes, I do cry…

There’s been a lot of changes in my life recently and I was kind of expecting it. I had already factored it in the equation, and I knew that the day would come when the ugly cry would knock on my door. What I hadn’t foreseen though, is that it would happen in the presence of another human being who was actually not being paid to witness it.

Meet John

Meet John. John is hot. Not that that’s his only feature, but I thought I’d mention it. He’s got this beautiful golden skin and abs that make you want to trace them with your fingers. And his smile.. When he smiles, his whole face lights up and his eyes shine like two diamonds. John is cool […]

New year, new perfume

This year, I have decided to do things differently. Ha! How original, right? I bet you’ve heard that a thousand times already, and chances are you yourself might have thought it just a few days ago! Well, isn’t it what new years are for? An opportunity for change, new beginnings and transformation?
I’ve taken the concept of “Time is money” to a whooole new level (I bet you’ll be A-HA’ed when you read about it!) and of course, I’ve got a new perfume for 2017.

Inspiration doesn’t knock twice

Today I allowed myself a day off.. kind of… I called the office and asked if I could shift my last day to Friday, because today I had important stuff to take care of at home…. (and by that, I meant MYSELF )
I woke up, or should I say, was woken up by inspiration banging on my brain’s door … It was 5 am. […]

Let it out!

– It’s 11:04 am and I’m finally getting out of bed. For […]