Yes, I do cry…

There’s been a lot of changes in my life recently and I was kind of expecting it. I had already factored it in the equation, and I knew that the day would come when the ugly cry would knock on my door. What I hadn’t foreseen though, is that it would happen in the presence of another human being who was actually not being paid to witness it.

New year, new perfume

This year, I have decided to do things differently. Ha! How original, right? I bet you’ve heard that a thousand times already, and chances are you yourself might have thought it just a few days ago! Well, isn’t it what new years are for? An opportunity for change, new beginnings and transformation?
I’ve taken the concept of “Time is money” to a whooole new level (I bet you’ll be A-HA’ed when you read about it!) and of course, I’ve got a new perfume for 2017.