EFT Tapping

Have you ever heard of EFT before? The Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, is a crossbreed between alternative and traditional medicine, or more precisely, acupressure, neuroscience and a dash of positive psychology.

How does it work?

It all starts with the flight or flight response. When the brain feels threatened, it reacts in a certain way. The amygdala is responsible for these reactions. It acts like a smoke detector and goes off anytime it feels the body needs to protect itself from danger. This causes  all sorts of things to happen, from jaw contraction, stomach issues, headache, chronic pain or even weight retention to a wide array of emotional symptoms and behaviours.

Danger obviously can take a lot of different shapes. Past experiences get “engraved” in our imaginary and add different definitions to our list. So that’s where EFT comes in. By tapping on the trigger points along the meridians (same ones used in acupressure and acupuncture), we stimulate the “flight or fight” part of the brain.

We get the attention of the amygdala and we can communicate with it. In BOTH ways. We can discover the elements it considers as threats, and we can reprogramme it to feel safe again and go back to its normal functioning in their presence, releasing its old patterns. It’s a bit like a programme reset.

What I find most interesting about EFT though, apart from its IMMEDIATE efficiency (you can actually measure the difference in only one session), is that it allows you to peel off the layers and go deeper. Often one issue leads to uncovering other underlying issues, and by tapping on these issues, you end up reprogramming your brain to the source.

Once you get familiar with it, you can use this technique for anything you want, healing physical pain, emotional stress, weight issues and money blocks. Working with a coach will allow you to learn how the tapping rounds are “built”, as you experience the whole process on yourself.

The priceless advantage of working one to one with a coach, is that you get to work on your own personal issues, and get to explore YOUR brain, as opposed to a general Mr/Mrs X’s brain. You get to work on your personal story, as well as your personal HIstory (because programming can come from our parents’ and grandparents’ stories as well, transmitted through non-verbal interaction) achieving quicker more effective results.

And of course, let’s not unerestimate consistency. Working one on one with a coach with help you keep that consistency that is key to results on a deeper level.


If you would like to get YOUR personalised tapping statement and tap with me, click here to book a session. I will be happy to show you how EFT can create instant changes in your life.