Originally posted on Facebook on July 3, 2017


The other day I heard someone say: “I think it’s unhealthy NOT to drink or smoke. How are you going to let your “stuff” out?”


I wanted to say something, but a) I didn’t know where to start, and b) I didn’t want to waste my breath. I’ve decided to write an open letter to that person instead and share it with you. This way at least, I know nothing’s wasted.


Here goes:


Dear Person,


last night you went out, had a few drinks, and then some. You got back home but can’t really remember how. You remember some of the conversations you had, but have a few bits and pieces of your evening that are still missing to your memory.


You barely got any sleep, woke up feeling shitty, both physically and emotionally, trying to piece the previous evening together (you said it yourself), then went out again and ended up having a few glasses of wine out, which is where I heard you say what you said.


Even though you acknowledge how bad you felt waking up this morning, you say it was worth it because it’s necessary to “blow some steam off” from time to time. You admit to doing this regularly, often drink driving your way back home. You say you’d hate it if someone got hurt in the process, and I agree, it’d suck that someone lost their life just because you “needed to blow some steam off”.


Dear Person, I used to be you. Like you, I would minimize it and try and convince and myself that it was okay. You’re somewhat lucky, because at least you know why you drink. At the time, I thought I drank because it was “fun”. You’re one step ahead of ‘old me’: you know you drink as a way to cope with your stress.


But here’s the thing: there’s fun and “fun”. Going back home wasted and not being able to sleep is NOT fun. And neither is having to check your phone or call your friends the next morning to know whether you did or said things you shouldn’t have the night before. No. There’s nothing fun in that.


Your idea of “blowing off steam” is actually just leaving you with a fresh load of steam to blow again the next day. THAT is unhealthy. And I’m not even talking about the damage your steam-blowing practice does to your body.


There are other ways to take care of your pent up stress and emotions. And let me tell you something that might sound ridiculously crazy to you: it is even possible to live a life that doesn’t involve getting so worked up that you want to run away from your own self.


There is a way to live a serene life and be fully present, and it does NOT involve going to an ashram or giving up any kind of fun in your life. It does require ONE thing though: that you be committed to giving it a try.


I didn’t say anything to you. But I know there are people reading this now who do want a different life. People who’ve just had enough of their old behaviours and patterns, but don’t really know how or what to do. Especially if they’re surrounded by people and media telling them that “it’s unhealthy to refrain from drinking”.


It isn’t though. And I am ever so grateful for technology, for it allows me to share my work and my message, whether we live 1km or 10,000km away. It IS possible to live a healthy life that doesn’t involve excessive alcohol consumption, blackouts and hangovers.


Quite the opposite: it involves waking up fresh in the morning, getting more done at work and having less stress accumulated, having meaningful relationships with yourself and with others, being in control of your life and consciously choosing to invest your renewed energy into making the life of your dreams become reality, and then some.


You don’t have to take my word for it, I know a lot of other people who have made the decision, just like me, to live an alcohol free life and have been raving about it.


You don’t know where to start? Let’s talk and I’ll share the first steps with you. All you need to do is answer this one question:




If you do, write YES in the comments and I’ll get in touch with you for a free session to get you started.


Don’t listen to the voices in (and out of!) your head telling you it’s not possible. Speak to those around you who are the living proof that it IS possible, because… IT IS.


Ps. I’m going on holidays next week so I can’t guarantee space for more than 5 people. If you’re ready for change, leave a comment now. And if you know someone who is, please share this with them.