Are you where you thought you’d be at this point in your life?


I’ve always thought that by the age of 35 I would have “settled down”, and yet, just a few months in, I couldn’t be less settled.


Single, yet legally married. Single, yet sharing magical moments with a special soul I don’t have a title for.


I’m far from having my future figured out, and yet, I feel more serene than ever.


The angst that I’d never find the One, the Home, the shared bank accounts and dreamy Sundays, is turning into a curious consideration that there might actually be more to life, and that (gasp!) Bliss is right here, within reach, every. single. day.


I’ve dropped my guards.


For years, I tried to protect myself by playing a dangerous game. I tried to convince myself that I didn’t need anyone. I tried to rewire myself to be “strong and independent” so that I’d never put my happiness in someone else’s hands.


It’s impressive how consuming it can be to go against one’s nature. Against *human* nature.


I had no idea. Until this summer.


People, places, lessons, aligned in the most magical ways to create what I will recall as the Summer of Magic.


As I finally surrender to my deep longing for Connection and embrace it in *all* its shapes and forms, I feel like I’m breathing again.




And Love.


And it feels like everything is just the way it should be.


Right here, right now feels so good that all I want to do is soak it all in.


It’s crazy how much Life has to give once you open your arms to receive…


Tell me, what are you open to receiving right now?

Are you OPEN to receiving friendship?

I held a self-care book club meeting recently and it was such a special moment!

Watch the replay here.

I wasn’t planning on sharing it, but it was so good – and so timely, on this World Mental Health Day – that the ladies generously agreed to make it public.

Click here to watch!